Posted On March 3, 2017 By Shreyansh Surana
Digital Marketing is not the 'Genie out of lamp'
We all must have come across great stories about Alladin and his Genie. Whatever Alladin wishes, Genie fulfils. Great fairytale and I love those bedtime stories. During my experience in technology...
Posted On March 1, 2017 By Shreyansh Surana
Suspect, Prospect, Lead, Opportunity! What they mean.
I am in Marketing Automation & CRM industry for quite a long time now. Its interesting to see the changes its going through every day. CRM now has expanded its wings from being just Sales Force...
Posted On February 24, 2017 By Shreyansh Surana
5 commandments to fail safe selling
Marketing and Sales are two important pillars of any business. Marketing & Sales are always tough nuts to crack. The reason being, Marketing & Sales deal with one of the most intelligent creatures on...
Posted On February 22, 2017 By Shreyansh Surana
Fuel of digital marketing growth engine : Content
Most of us consume content from digital channels from early morning to late night. According to an infographic from The Word Pro In the first 60 seconds of your day, Facebook receives over 4 million...
Posted On February 8, 2017 By Shreyansh Surana
Which HAT are you wearing today?
I came across a wonderful blogfrom Seth Godin, which says that every individual wears one of the following three hats at their job.
Posted On February 3, 2017 By Shreyansh Surana
Marketing operations : In house or outsource?
After we published our blog: “My Digital Marketing isn’t working”, we received a few queries from CEOs and CMOs and found a common thread in all the queries- "I now understand the importance of...

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